I had a birthday last week. It was especially nice. Sweet expressions and acts of kindness were shown to me. One of the things that I wanted to experience this year was a birthday party. Not so much for my benefit, but for the blessing of others. I enjoy having people in my home and making them feel like the special, honored guests that they are.
Before the women arrived on the evening of the party for potluck and a promised viewing of the movie Pride and Prejudice, I walked around the rooms where we would be gathering. As I did so, I prayed that Father would join us and bless us with His presence in such a way that the women would leave knowing that they had spent time not just with one another, but also with Him. As I said the Amen, I knew that we were to spend some time in prayer.
When our meal was finished and the dishes were washed and put away, we relaxed in the living room to share more of our stories and laughter. At 9:20, as if on cue, the conversation stopped and eyes turned to me. Hearts quieted before Him as I told them that we were to spend some time interceding for one another.
Even now, at the memory of that evening, tears are gathering in my eyes. Our vocabulary cannot adequately express a holy communion of souls as they surrender their cares to The Only One who can meet their needs. It is unlike anything else we can experience this side of eternity. Without fear, a gathering of my friends shared their deepest needs from the deepest recesses of their hearts, and just as The Word made flesh promised, He was with us.