Saturday, September 12, 2015

A Time to Rejoice ~ A Time to Mourn ~ A Time to Heal

It's early evening, just before Sabbath, as I begin to write this post. My husband just stepped out with our dog for a walk after supper. The sky is heavy with dark rain clouds and the breeze coming through the opened windows reminds me of the season we are entering. The evening is a perfect reflection of my heart as I write about a subject that has been on it for nearly a month.

As you read, you will discover as I have, that this post really began back in February of 2009. It was at that time that I had submitted a letter to the editor of a few area newspapers. The one I am quoting from for the purposes of this post, was published on February 17, 2009.

On February 10 our youngest grandson turned 1 year old. Naturally that milestone brought with it feelings of a love beyond understanding, great joy, and disbelief at how quickly a year can pass by when you're having fun! Every time I look at him, I am in awe! His happy personality is growing about as quickly as his body and his mind. Not only does he crawl faster than any baby I can remember, he's starting to take steps on his own! I met him in a hospital room on an early Sunday afternoon in 2008, and only one year later it's hard to remember life without him.

So whenever I hear about new legislation concerning the painful and divisive subject of abortion, I can't think of it without considering the countless lives that are forever altered by it. I could list a few facts about it, but a quick Internet search lends that information easily enough.

Its politics, legal history, and its staggering numbers are there. And so are the arguments - pro and con. What is harder to find, and harder to face, are the individuals who are left behind. Like girls and women who are scared, abandoned, and pressured into the hardest decision of their lives; and the people who are directly involved in causing them to make that decision. There are those whose hearts long for children they can't conceive. And the most helpless of the innocent, the ones who are forced to pay the highest price. Take a moment and just think with me, when it comes to abortion, honestly, who wins?

Last Saturday our families gathered together to celebrate the life of a most precious child! When I held him in my arms and breathed in his sweetness, I again thanked God for him. I smiled at his parents and prayed a special blessing upon them for choosing to grace all of our lives by sharing him with us. And in those moments, like so many of the milestones that mark our lives, this year my joy was bitter sweet as I paused to think of all of those who are left behind.

This post had another beginning of sorts, back on March 1, 2013. It was that day that I awakened hearing the word, "Restitution". Needless to say, I immediately began to pray about what the Father was trying to tell me. I asked Him such things as, What have I done that I need to make restitution for? Nothing came to me. Did I borrow something that I have forgotten about and need to return? Silence. Who do I need to apologize to and ask for forgiveness? No name surfaced in my mind. But throughout the morning, the word kept being repeated. At mid-afternoon, I laid down for a nap but as I did, I prayed again that He would show me what it was He was trying to tell me through that single, implicating word. When I began to awaken a short time later, it was to the words, "Stem cell research". Fear gripped me as my eyes shot open. I believed that I had my answer to prayer. As I continued to ask Him for insight as to what I thought He was trying to tell me, the impression that came was that there was coming a time when YHVH would be making restitution for all the innocent blood that has been shed upon this land and upon the earth. When I asked for confirmation, Proverbs 24:11-12 was recited in my spirit.

11 Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. 12 If you say, "Behold, we did not know this," does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it, and will he not repay man according to his work?

Back when this word was given to me, I knew that human embryos were being used in the study of stem cell research. That's how I knew in my spirit what the Father was referring to when He spoke the words. This practice takes the killing of human life all the way back to its very beginning. As the following article so clearly states, "It is the killing of one person (actually many persons) in the theoretic attempt to save other people. Is it justifiable to kill one person in order to spare someone else from disease? At its essence, the driving philosophy behind embryonic stem cell research is one that places less value on individual human life than it does on the 'greater human good'. While this may sound altruistic on the surface, it has been the historic basis for all manner of human rights abuses." 
Interestingly, at the publication and update of the article, it was shown that adult stem cells have helped with over 73 diseases. No matter how they spin it, embryonic stem cell research is unjustified.

Most of you reading this blog have learned of the recent discovery of the practices within the clinics of Planned Parenthood. If not, here is an article you can refer to.

It was after learning about this atrocity that Anna C decided to come forth with her own heartbreaking story. I share it with all of you in the hopes that it will help someone, somewhere.

The book of Enoch tells us that it was a "Watcher" a fallen angel (demon) with the name Kasdeja, Kisdeja, who, "Taught the children of men all the wicked smitings of spirits and demons, and the smitings of the embryo in the womb, that it may pass away." How much more time do we need? How many more lives must be ended and harmed before we humans, who call ourselves civilized, stop listening to the lies of the servants of the god of the dead?

In preparing for this post, I asked the Father where was the church in 1973 when abortion became legal in America? Instantly, images from the 60's rushed to my mind. As flagrant sin flooded the nation, it also infiltrated the church. Our own flesh, whether in fear, apathy, or lust, kept us from standing up and speaking out against this carnage; this lie from the pit of hell! Scripture tells us in Deuteronomy 32:35 and again in Romans 12:19 that vengeance belongs to YHVH. He will have His restitution, for He is not mocked. We will reap what we have sown. Galatians 6:7-8 Judgement begins at His house. 1 Peter 4:17

Again, Proverbs 24:11-12 is being quoted in my spirit. "Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, 'Behold, we did not know this,' does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it, and will he not repay man according to his work?"

To all the girls, women, fathers, and families, who have been deceived, bless your hearts, there is grace and forgiveness in the One who knit you together and loves you without condition! In narrowing down my research for this post I was especially drawn to the Elliot Institute. Please reach out. You are not alone.

An additional reference and a recommendation:

Petition to De-fund Planned Parenthood

A beautiful and respectful film. It's time to heal.

Upon reading this post, a dear sister sent me the following article where Gianna Jessen, whom this movie was written about, addressed Congress on September 9, 2015. Here is her testimony.